Technical Data Sheet

All-in-one hotel property management software

Manage all hotel, restaurant and all related outlets using a single graphical interface

Complete software suite

Suite 4 ° is a comprehensive software for hotels, restaurants and all related outlets. It combines the features of hotel, ristò and shop, linking the various business areas of the company and enabling interaction through a single centralized database. The system offers a wide range of configuration options thanks to its nature which is characterized by the following:

  • Modular: add on applications that can operate in a fully autonomous way and are able to interact with other modules, without altering the overall functioning of the system;

  • Flexible: able to adapt itself to the real needs and specific objectives of each company;

  • Centralized: all modules share a single data base, created to retain and share inventories of multiple properties within a group.


Suite 4° offers the possibility to insert reservations from different sections in the system, depending on the operational mode chosen by the property. Within each reservation card, of an individual customer, group or walk-in:

  • The room number can be specified straight away or the assignment can take place at a later stage. When requested, the software will automatically associate the reservation to an available resource based on customer specific preferences, both in terms of room type and specific characteristics;

  • It can be inserted by evaluating the best available rate and carefully considering guests expressed preferences. Thanks to the wide variety of data related to guests’ habits and needs, making customer satisfaction at the core of ericsoft priorities;

  • It contains the details of the rate used by the customer, deposit and cancellation rules, early departure and any discount that shall be granted.

  • Allows to immediately process reservation confirmation emails containing all reservation details in guests’ language.

Availability Calculation

  • Room planning: the tape chart represents an interactive and highly customizable tool. Available for each resource group, it allows to perform all operations related to reservation card management and the analysis of past, current and future reservations.

  • Daily Availability: a screen dedicated to the visualization of available resources for a chosen day, from which new reservations can be inserted;

  • Room Inventory: Provides, within a single screen, the details of the rooms sold and the remaining ones available for sale in the requested period. You can proceed with the creation of a new reservation or switch to a detailed view of a particular day;

  • Resource status: In addition to managing the status of individual resources, it offers daily forecasts in terms of minimum availability, maximum occupancy and amount of revenue; arrivals, departures, turn away reservations and more;

  • Daily Room Planning: Overview of the situation of the entire room plan, indicating guests’ data, arrivals or departures and the resource cleaning status. Customizable in number of rows and columns displayed, it allows you to insert or move reservation cards.

In addition, Suite 4 ° allows you to:

Run an accurate analysis of turned away reservations in a specific period or for a particular reason, allowing the company to collect information needed to the implement an effective sales strategy such as:

  • Knowing, for example, that in a certain period of time your property has declined many reservations due to lack of availability, will probably suggest you, not to accept low contribution reservations with great advance in the future;

  • Likewise, noting that for a given date, your property has received many inquiries that did not turn into reservations, could advise to apply cheaper rates in the future;

  • An attentive management of guests in waiting list: the software allows to assign a priority, a deadline and a customizable motivation to each waiting list reservation. It allows to quickly display a list of acceptable ones (which may turn into real reservations) and turn away functionalities clarify the status of pending reservations.

Booking Engine

The Booking Engine is the solution to enrich the hotel's website with an effective online booking system. The guest, once connected to the web page of the hotel, by clicking on the dedicated link will be able to search for availability and prices, complete the booking process or make a quotation inquiry. The property will be able to process countless quotations, special offers, last minute packages and send availability data from suite 4°.

Reservations received will be displayed directly in the software: through a perfectly integrated process and these reservations will be placed side by side those received from traditional channels (email, fax, phone).

Channel Manager

Is the tool that offers the possibility to manage in one single operation hotel availability and prices on multiple online travel agencies saving time, management costs and decreasing the error margin.

It is possible to apply sales strategies in line with those configured in the PMS, in order to implement a coherent strategy, intervene with the stop sale at any time, by resource or rate and update availability on all distribution channels when a new reservation is registered. All this activities are performed with a surprising ease of use and simultaneous display of data in real-time thanks to two-way XML communication.

Contracts and allotments

Ericsoft has developed a dedicated tool for defining, managing and controlling an unlimited number of business customer contracts (Tour Operators, companies or other businesses with which the property

operates). Availability and sale status situation, for a contract that includes and allotment, are always visible and editable.

In case of allotment, or extra allotment, the object of the contract is represented by a portion of resources that the property grants for a certain period of time to the business customer. This happens both for specific rooms and generic resource groups, for which only the typology is known; each agency (or booker and / or agent in general) can subscribe endless contracts which differ in terms of validity periods, resource groups, release terms or rates applied.

Suite 4 ° also offers the possibility to create additional types of contracts, whereby the property grants the agent and / or the booker: a specific amount of commissions to be paid (as a result of the stay or the use of particular services and treatments); a specific routing rule (half credit, full credit etc.); a particular rate, or categories of rates and specific policies (required deposit or penalty rules).

Software automatisms are activated when a reservation is created in case the booker has one or more allotment contracts with parameters that correspond to those of the reservation being inserted. At any time, thanks to dedicated reports offered by ericsoft, it is possible to obtain all information and statistics that are useful to control these procedures.

Pricing and Yield Management

Suite 4° has been entirely developed according to revenue management principles. The software offers a complete and accurate rate management system, offering almost limitless possibilities in terms of rate that reflect hotel’s occupancy conditions and that rely on the individual traveler customer segments rather than mass market.

It is indeed possible to:

  • Define sales constraints based on availability and rates (Minimum length of stay, Early booking, arrival and departure limited to specific week days; sale of special rates limited to specific room types, based on the number of times a specific typology has been sold up to that moment or according to the occupancy index of the entire property);

  • Work with daily rates or multiple day packages, to accurately manage special packages: per resource or per person, with the possibility of specifying how price varies according to the number and type of people booked (full price, discounted, free, etc.);

  • Create prices that become available based on the length of the stay or on particular days of the week; create seasonal or periodic rates at different times of the year (derived);

  • Apply overbooking strategies to increase the RevPar index (Revenue per available room) that identifies the profit and business potential of your property;

  • Configure rates which are available only for specific profiles (to automatize the reservation process and grant more flexibility to companies) and rates intended for internal use of collaborators.

Deposits, cancellations and early departures

By defining specific policy terms, it is possible to determine the penalty the customer will meet in case of late reservation cancellation, no show, early departure, as well as deposit required to confirm a reservation. Suite 4° also offers the possibility to:

  • Create an unlimited number of cancellation policies and deposit rules related to the number of nights, duration of stay or according to a fixed value, % or currency;

  • Receive payments via bank transfer, thanks to the Suite 4 ° Interface with the most commonly used electronic payment providers (Paypal, KeyClient, XPay, B2CPay, Numera, etc.);

  • Create unlimited early departures penalties based on the number of days departure is anticipated or in a fixed amount, % or currency;

  • Define n periods of the year with different policies; define specific policies for individual rates and associate a policy to a resource group and / or a particular reservation type (optional, confirmed, etc.).

Check-in and guest management

Arriving and in-house guests are attentively managed using the multiple front office features available in the software. Thanks to a detailed suite of applications, Suite 4 ° allows you to quickly perform all daily reception activities.

If an electronic payment solution is active within the facility, you can program and associate chip cards with the corresponding accounts. If the software is interfaced with a building automation system, communication is activated to enable the card.

At this stage, the activation of other room automated systems, such as PBX and Pay TV, takes place; services consumed by guest are automatically charged to the room bill. The PBX module, particularly when interfaced in active mode, offers the possibility to set alarms and interact with the maids to communicate a change in the room cleaning status.


There are multiple ways for charging extras in the software, each one functional to the work methodology adopted or the activity performed:

  • Recurrent charges can be scheduled on reservations, to be assigned on specific dates during the stay, even for future bookings when guests are not in house yet;

  • Services included with the rate purchased (entrance to thermal baths, traditional massage etc) are automatically charged by the system;

  • Using standard Pocket PC terminals with ericsoft software, you can make charges from every corner of the property, at the bar, in the pool, at the beach, at any location without the need for Wifi coverage. At the end of the operations, simply place your handheld in its station and by pressing a button all charges will be transferred to the relative customers’ accounts;

  • Electronic payments: you can introduce the use of chip cards or badge transponder, in debit or credit mode, that the customer will be able to use within the property;

  • Touchscreen charges: restaurant charges (but also from bar, indoor shops, pool, spa, etc.) can be directly transferred to customer's account in real time.

Multi-resource Module: Spa, Beauty and Conference Rooms

The main feature of the Suite 4° is the ability to simultaneously manage all activities associated to a main property such as restaurants, bars, spa, beauty and sports centers or other services that nowadays require

specific software systems. All this is possible thanks to a fully customizable configuration of the resource groups: rooms for hotels, spa cabins, conference rooms, restaurant tables etc.

The configuration of each resource group allows you to:

  • Manage a planning for reservations on a daily or hourly basis;

  • Create or not a reservation form (detailed or summarized);

  • Associate a reference operator;

  • Configure dedicated equipment (technical equipment, ad hoc services) that can be booked and define of the activity’s opening hours;

  • Manage staff: both for full time and occasional co-workers, it is possible to detail a work plan that can be viewed and printed at any time;

  • Create product cards: through the detailed configuration of each bookable product it is possible to handle the duration, the cost, the maximum amount each service can be performed at the same time by operator (eg massage), cabin or staff reserved for the performance of the service;

  • Manage guests: thanks to a simple and intuitive reservation card, the treatment can be linked to in housed guests or external customers. The profile card also becomes a powerful marketing tool able to trace customer habits and its path within the property.

Preparation, cleaning and maintenance

Suite 4 ° also allows you to manage all aspects of resource preparation and supervision including:

  • Attentive management of Housekeeping operations thanks to the distinction of cleaning areas (main and secondary) associated priority level and evaluation of the activity performed; different cleaning status (clean inspected, clean, clean to inspect, dirty) and dedicated reporting, also for individual housekeepers;
  • Maintenance management with the use of customizable motivations and dedicated reports;
  • Detailed information on characteristics relative to the basic preparation of the resource; from the number of places available to the associated equipment requested in terms of quantity and price.

Disconnected workstation management

For all those properties with specific operational needs, ericsoft has developed a specific installation infrastructure: offline configuration. It is possible to operate in the system by using workstations remotely located from the central archive, either within the same facility or in a different geographical area.

  • The application of off-line functionality satisfies many needs: from the use of workstations that you wish to keep completely autonomous for maintenance or network structural reasons, to the centralization of data between points of sale and headquarters;

  • The synchronization of data (documentation and production) between client and the central server takes place through dedicated sharing, accessible via network reconnection or ftp path; In the same way and at the same time, the update of individual off-line workstations takes place, in the event that archives or operational settings are modified from the server workstation.

Chain management (Multi property management)

This module is targeted at all businesses (hotel, shops, restaurants chains etc) that are interested in keeping managerial processes under control, sharing guests’ historical data, centrally manage business operations including reservations and monitoring of merchandise transfers between properties.

  • The module allows the configuration of an unlimited number of properties within a single centralized Customer Database; information contained in the system relative to customer records, store products and warehouse items is shared and accessible by all facilities configured;
  • The software is configurable according to the needs of each single property. It allows to operate in single or centralized mode (through the configuration of related companies) for an overall supervision of the offering, in multi-property;
  • Operators, if provided with relative permissions, can access each property from any workstation, and view in real-time availably and rates and simultaneously make reservations at any venue.

Making reservations, organizing contacts and using data

Thanks to its centralized database, Suite 4 ° is able to store individual customer profiles based on advanced requests and purchases made during their stays. It is possible to manage profiles for customers, vendors, producers and users of the system: create categories; store general contact data, personal information and documents. Default fiscal information can also be configured such as document heading, payment type and VAT. Maximum credit limits can also be set and price lists defined together with maximum discount percentages possible; customer preferences (particular features of the resource, interests).

It is possible to insert, edit or view records from a dedicated menu, save new ones when a new reservation is inserted, allowing users to update profile data each time a record already present in the system is being reused.

Customer relationship management (CRM) and Mail marketing

The CRM Ericsoft features a number of features that automatize and simplify the communication with the guest and management of his reservation:

  • E-mail Integration: it is possible to integrate mailing systems into the Ericsoft software to send and receive emails directly from the PMS without the need to access external applications; this functionality also allows to associate emails exchanged and quotation made with the relative profile;

  • Comparative quotations: the system allows the front desk operator to automatically send customized quotations to potential guests based on their requests in terms of the type of accommodation and treatment desired;

  • Email Marketing: with the CRM you will also be able to engage in email marketing activities, such as bulk email transmission to specific guests present, past or future guest segments. All communications can be planned, managed automatically and differentiated according to the language of the customer, Ericsoft also provides editable templates that can be used as a starting point.

Customer bills and folio management

Bill printing is preceded by a preview, if desired, that allows to quickly add any extras or transfer charges to other accounts, select the type of document the customer needs and verify the correctness of the data entered. After the preview, you will be able to choose the payment method, enter document heading, apply discounts or bonuses, and make currency exchange conversions before printing.

It is also possible to:

  • Use any type of fiscal document including: Invoices, fiscal receipts, credit notes, deposit receipts, fiscal bills which may also include social security or VAT number;

  • Issue documents, for external guests that use facility’s services without staying overnight;

  • Create temporary documents (drafts) that can be edited up to the time of final printing;

  • Crate and save customized and automatic billing rules: (Half Credit, Full Credit, separate document for monopoly items, etc.) that make it possible to print the document at the customer's departure and create an outstanding payment for the agent. These functionalities allow to simultaneous issue multiple documents, each with different characteristics and information contained, dedicated respectively to a guest, a booker, agent or specific name;

  • Bills can be split directly from the touchscreen in two different ways:

    • Dividing total due into equal parts. It is therefore possible to select the number of documents to be issued, together with the relative document and payment type.

    • Selecting individual products consumed to issue the relative bill, it is thus possible to issue one or more separate bills at different times.

Search and manage issued documents

  • Issued document search and management functionalities provided are made easily accessible thanks to the use of effective filters, through which you can view and, if necessary, modify or delete payments, receipts or documents;

  • Outstanding payment management functionalities allow you to review periodic and overall situation, analyze details for each profile (including any items that have already been paid for) and manage summary invoices for multiple fiscal receipts issued for the same Company or Agency;

  • Down payment management allows you to invoice advance payments by linking them to the payee's profile or reservation card so that it is automatically displayed at check out and the amount is deducted from the total in the fiscal document issued at the end-of-stay. Moreover, a down payment, made from an agency for example, can be split into smaller parts so that it can be used on different occasions or different bookings.

Control and analysis of managerial data

Numerous and detailed reports have been developed by ericsoft for front office and back office operations: the system offers over 300 standard reports to satisfy all needs.

All reports are fully customizable thanks to the integrated reporting tool ericsoft Report, which is exportable to most popular office automation applications, functionality which can be accessible by single operators and made automatic during night audit process.

From daily sales lists to issued documents details (fees, payments, cash movements, summaries, outstanding, etc.); from reports to monitor no show, waitlist and expired offers to those for employee time monitoring. Suite 4 ° helps and simplifies constant observation of your business in every aspect.

Definition and application of sales list prices

Possibility to configure an unlimited number of list prices;

Extemporary use or automatic predefinition of list prices to be applied according to hourly schedules, periodic or recurring basis with the help of a support of the dedicated scheduling program;

Price (and stock control quantity) management system to monitor food consumptions based on serving size (small, medium, large etc.). With the use of the product modifiers it is possible to define proportional or fixed variations in terms of price and quantities for each type of product, to avoid manual intervention when charging items or issuing bills.

Operator password management and backup procedures

  • Configuration of multiple users with different permissions and customized menu visualizations and reports;

  • Possibility to differentiate the graphical and functional layout of each single user workstation:

  • Use of recognition tools such as chip-cards, transponder, fingerprint;

  • Control and storage of all operations performed, though the use of on screen log activity and detailed reports;

  • Possibility to request motivation, limit or prohibit the modification of charges made, discounts granted, cancel reservations and issue fiscal documents in relation to permissions assigned to operator group;

  • Protection of work performed thanks to backup functionalities: an automatic backup can be scheduled at the end of each day or manually enable the procedure at any time.

Night audit

At the end of the day, when all operations have been completed, you can perform the night audit; during this operation the system will provide a summary view of movements made during the day, with the possibility of filtering for single workstation or user.

  • From the night audit screen, you can print some useful reports that summarize daily activities performed such as: documents issued; items charged, canceled and amended; outstanding and collected payments, cash movements, applied rates and commissions due;

  • It is also possible to define which reports should be automatically printed when performing night audit operations in order to speed up day-to-day monitoring and analyses operations.

Inventory management

  • Definition of an unlimited number of warehouses with the possibility of transferring items;

  • Stock room management in terms of quantity and value;

  • Multi-level recipe creation with real-time evaluation of the weighted average cost;

  • Items management: four category classification levels; unit of measure definition, sales / purchase ratio specifications for a correct quantity stock unload of recipe items. Unlimited supplier recordings, with the storage of the alternative item codes and the evaluation of historical purchase price trends;

  • Automatic recording of vendor bills and relative deadline management;

  • Selection and summary of invoices for transport documents;

  • Automatic stock take of products sold: unloading of warehouse products and sales items based on the quantity sold and in terms of the relative selling measurement unit (bottle, glass, packaging).

System Characteristics

Multiple Data Base Management Software (SQL Server - SQL Express - MSDE);

SDK available to external developers for advanced verticalizations;

Ownership reporting implementation.


Minimum System Requirements

Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, and Windows XP.

Intel Core i3 or higher CPU

2 GB of RAM for client workstations (4 GB with Windows Vista / 7)

8 GB of RAM for the server

Information Request



helpdesk: 365 days a year 
from 8:00am to 8:00pm

Offices: from Monday to Friday

from 09:00am to 01:00pm and from 02:30pm to 06:00pm

Address: S.S. Adriatica 62, Misano Adriatico (RN)

VAT: 02894171202

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Website created with ericsoft